Friday, March 26, 2010

Writing on politics can be a very dry and boring task and can often yield virtually unreadable and uninteresting articles, especially in the eyes of the average citizen. It seems that in order for a political article to even seem mildly interesting to our attention deficit riddled, caffeine addicted, fast-paced and ever moving citizens that it must do one thing, entertain. If an author can deliver a message and make point while simultaneously entertaining the reader, he is bound to be successful in our little world. I believe that the author of this article has mastered this art. He is very aware that in order to make a point to the general public, he must first catch their attention and somehow cling to it, this he does through satirical undertones and witty stabs at the issue he is presenting.

This author is a little more left leaning, obviously; however he is bringing up an important issue that, no matter which direction he leans, will affect future politics until the end of time. In this particular article the author is pointing out the follies of our two great American parties, the childlike behavior that is occurring in our media and being broadcast to the general public to witness. Media should reflect a professional institution and especially when dealing with politics should carefully monitor how they portray political news.

The media needed to be called out and that is exactly what this article has done. In this case the article directs the spotlight towards right leaning media, and holds them accountable for behaving irrationally and making absolutely ridiculous claims while on air in order to bash democrats and current legislation. Is this how we should expect media (news reporters even!) to behave and report? Should we continue to let them make a mockery of our system through their unprofessional reporting styles and by acting like children who lost their very YMCA soccer game?
The article is very effective in raising all of these questions in the readers' minds and because of the entertaining yet professional way of reporting what is happening within our media this article also maintains its grasp on the attention of the average American reader. Very well written in my eyes!