Friday, May 7, 2010

Children in the Government

We have all seen it happen before. We have all been in a public place and witnessed the bad behavior of grown men and women. We have seen the couple that decides to argue in public, the mom who bribes her children with treats, and the grown men who who strike up a yelling match over opposing beliefs. What do we think of these child-like displays? Most likely you roll your eyes or shake your head in disbelief then go about your day wondering how any grown person could behave in such a manner. So why are we letting this type of behavior happen within our government? Why do we write off these displays of immaturity as political moves?

Recently the Democratic party had to specifically request that the GOP stop behaving like children, of course it was phrased a little differently. Apparently the GOP senators have been putting up secret holds in order to prevent a list of administration nominees from moving forward. This seems to simply be a political ploy however, no statement as to why the GOP oppose any of the candidates will be issued making this hold charade nothing more than a childish game. Only one GOP representative has voiced an opinion and exposed his hold while every other Republican senator is hiding behind their holds and not being "grown-up" enough to actually express any well thought out reason for behaving in such a way. How are we going to complain about the Obama administration when the inner workings of our government are the source of most of the delay. If we want to government to run efficiently we need to work together as opposed to sitting and childishly keeping our opinions to ourselves while at the same time sabotaging any success or progress that we could be making.

This situation reminds me all too much of the childish men and women whom we frown upon when we see their foul behavior in public. So why haven't we spoken up nation? It is clear that acting in such a way is only working against us in the long run and the only thing left for us to do is to step up and express our distaste for the kiddy games that are currently being played within our government. America I beg of you, speak up. I know we can make a difference!

1 comment:

  1. I really like the editorial that Leah at In-Formation has put together for her readers. Most importantly, it is written in a way that will keep the attention of her target audience, young college kids, and readers who appreciate a sarcastic tone. I also really enjoy her comparison of the senators to that of children, and bickering adults. It’s really quite clever. Additionally, her presentation is clear and concise, and her conclusion does a great job of reconnecting her whole idea, and directly addressing the audience, something I like to do in my writings as well. My only gripe with the editorial are just a few little grammar and punctuation issues that required me to re-read a few areas, as well as a double-typed word, however despite these, Leah gets her message right across.
    A congrats goes out to Leah for a great piece, and personally Leah I agree with you, I feel bad that I was not tracking In-Formation prior to this!

    -Derek, at Journey to the Center of US Government
