Thursday, February 11, 2010

Aim the Blame

This article to me, is hilarious. Not because it points out the current state of our job market but that it specifically calls out young voters for voting Obama into the presidency. This article is also entertaining to me for the fact that because it is from a conservative website the publisher makes a point to directly blame President Obama for our job market. Our economy has been on the decline since before Obama was in office and it is interesting to watch as people become so involved in the idea of political parties that they focus on who they should blame as opposed to actually fixing prevalent problems. The issues with our job market and the fact that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find jobs is something that we will all have to work towards fixing however, this problem will take years to correct itself. It baffles me that people can so out rightly point the finger because they haven't stopped and withdrawn from political affiliations for long enough to see that although our current president is trying to address the lack of jobs change like this takes time. Just because Obama promised change does not mean that he claimed to be able to work miracles. Liberal, conservative or otherwise can't we put aside our political labels, stop blaming and start working on a solution for the common good?

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