Thursday, February 18, 2010

Global Weirding:The Deniable Phenomenon

The coldest winter, the hottest summer, the wettest rainy season; what exactly does this mean for global warming? Are all of our efforts to save energy and become more independent and free from the bonds of our oil addiction null and void because of our crazy weather? Apparently that is exactly what this severe weather change means. According to skeptics, cynics and oil addicts, global warming is simply a plot dreamed up to increase governmental control. Really though America, let's cut the crap and stop denying that with such inconsistent weather and climate changes and all with all of the data supporting global warming, or "weirding" as this article phrases it, it's time to admit that we must change our ways.

This article excellently states and explains the issues behind global weirding and calls for us, as a nation, to accept the truth and take action. Rather than simply denying the problem for the sake of being right let's be proactive and look and the facts. This article lays it all out pretty simply. The author states that we should learn from the history of climate change, cut our ties to the oil driven dictators who are spoon fed power and funds through our addiction, become more independent and self-sufficient as a nation while at the same time save our planet, our home. As well as accurately and simply explaining the issues with global weirding, this article effectively creates a stream of thought that the average American can relate to and understand. By calling on Americans to "send fewer dollars overseas to buy oil" and stating that "...China is quietly laughing at us right now. And Iran, Russia, Venezuela and the whole OPEC gang are high-fiving each other." the author of this article plays on American pride in hopes that by pointing out how much we spend as well the fact that other countries see us as a joke, that we will unite under a mutual cause and actually accept the global weirding issue.

I do believe that this article was very well written and backed up with facts also, this author does a pretty good job of not bashing people who have opposing views. This article makes sure to carefully and level-headedly address the opposition which is a very effective way to get a point across to people who do not necessarily agree.

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